Wednesday, December 21, 2011

making snowmen!

so as you probably already know, on monday i signed my contract! it was big and scary and it was all super official sounding (its japan so i would expect no less) but i did it and now my fate is sealed here until at least april when we renew our contracts for 2012.  i could still fail miserably and have them send me home but the chances of that happening arent that big... lol. i found out during our contract signing that over 2,500 people applied throughout the year and only 100ish got in.  30 in the nagoya area.  my chances of making it this far were pretty slim and i am grateful that ive made it this far.  i try to remind myself every day of why im here and the things i hope to accomplish while im here.

i dont know if ive mentioned this previously but i am subbing until the end of this year.  basically, since i am starting midway through the school year, i am taking over some classes and subbing for others.  i have 2 regular shifts which will begin in january (at a new school even!) and then i am subbing the other 3 days of the week.  i will have a full regular schedule filled with my own classes once april comes around... til then i sub mostly.

anyway, today was my first day teaching real classes! my schedule is mom, tues-sat.  mon-fri ill be working 3-9ish and then sat from 10-4.  my shifts are 6 hours each.  ^_^  so anyway, today was my first day.  i was subbing for someone and it was the last lesson of the year! basically i made crafts in all my classes. it was amazing! in the toddler class we decorated christmas trees... then in my 6ish age group we made santa beards and wore them around all day... then in my 9-10 yr old class we made snowmen!

not to brag, but i think my snowman is pretty darn cute!  he has coffee bean eyes, toothpicks for a nose, cane, and stand, and also holding his body together....  the kids were super quiet and obedient.  they worked quickly and they were really smart.  it made me really happy to work with them.

after those ended, i had 2 private lessons.  these lessons are about 40 min long and we have books that help them along with conversational english.  the first was with a girl who is really new to english.  it was amusing trying to get my point across but i did and i could see her brain working on overtime to understand phrases.  apparently japanese people have a hard time saying the word: alps.  she kept saying arupusu.  hehe.  we worked hard on that one!

the second private lesson i had was super AWESOME! he was a doctor and his specialty is infertility.  he does micro intro something or other... basically he can take one good sperm and one good egg and make a baby.  he is known all over the world for his work and he has to give talks at conferences and such.  he just wanted to chat about life, work, school, etc. so thats all we did.  he says since women are waiting longer and longer to have children, his speciality is becoming more and more important.  he helped over 1200 couples have babies this year! he was soooo smart.  i am still in genius awe.  we worked on helping him to sound more natural in speech.  japanese people have a tendency to pronounce every single letter in every single word... so we worked on the flow of a sentence.  like, i am going to go to my parents house.  we say that sentence more like, i am going tago to my parenshouse.  he was also super passionate about what he does, so that made the conversation that much more interesting.

anyway, its getting colder here... supposed to snow in parts tomorrow... and for sure this weekend... thankfully i am flying home on friday! weee! i have one more day of classes tomorrow- also final lesson type- more crafts!

im pooped! thanks for reading! ^__^

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