Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Excitingly uneventful.

So Saturday marked the end of my first week of training!  We do training in 2 6-day parts.  The first part is kids training (the hazing) and the second week is adult training.  I spent the days jumping around teaching english to small children... never a dull moment!  I had at least 3 solid hours of cardio per day! It was great, except that my knee is absolutely killing me! lol.  I've had my knee brace on for 8 days now... I sleep with the super powerful one at night and wear the light one during the day.  I use ben gay in abundance and advil is my new best friend.  My knee is noticeably less swollen now than it was when I got here but I can definitely feel every stair as I walk down.  It's nice to be sore again though! It really is a great workout!

On Saturday I got to shadow a teacher who has been here for 3 years. ^_^ He's from Scotland! And he has a heavy accent! I love accents. I also realized I am very easily distracted by things... every time he spoke, I was listening more to the accent than to him... and then I kept having to catch up with the conversation. hehe.  But he was a nice guy and super helpful.  I got to see many of the types of classes my company offers.  I learned how to handle *problem* kids and of course it was nice to see the training in action.  Also, he is a vegetarian... good to know I'm not the only one! lol.  Good guy though.  I got to learn a lot from him.

Monday I started adult training.  If you can imagine, it's a lot less running around and jumping and a lot more discussion and dialogue.  It's equally interesting but entirely different.  Today I am doing some adult demos.  These are a big longer and a bit more challenging mentally but this was also my favorite part of shadow day, so I hope it goes well. ^_^

We had an earthquake yesterday!  It was my first biggish earthquake while in Japan (5.0)!  Ok, 5.0 isn't that big but it is big enough to notice and I was on the 9th floor at the time. 9th or 10th...? I keep forgetting.  Anyway, my coworker from Australia had never experienced an earthquake before so that was kinda cool.  I am more excited than nervous about earthquakes so I had an amusing time watching how everyone else reacted.  I was reading aloud when it started and my instructor told me to just keep reading, which I did.  Pretty excitingly uneventful for an earthquake.  It didn't even make the news. lol.

Otherwise I have 3 days of training after today, then I am officially signing my contracts and an official teacher for ECC!  It's all very new and exciting still.  I am trying to keep these moments important in my mind for 6 months from now when I am tired and things are less exciting. ^_^

Time to start the day!  Hope everyone has a good one!

<3 me. ^_^

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