Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fushimi Station

I live off of the Fushimi Station exit.  It's quite nice to be situated in the middle of the city.  Things are always lit up and there's always stuff going on.  It's odd how I always feel so much safer in the city... I know it's completely wrong to think it is safer... but it's where I am comfortable and so it feels that way.

So this is the end of my first official week in Japan and last night marked my first good sleep.  It was a REALLY GREAT! ^___^ Thus far, everyone has been super friendly and helpful.  Of course there are negative things to say about Japan, like there are a lot more smokers here..., but I cannot say that I have had any negative experiences with anything personally.  I am learning where to find all the things I need... I found a good market, a Daiso, and a few other places (like the Apple store) that have come in handy.

Training is going really well.  It's super intense.  Yesterday we trained for 6 hours with only 2 10 min breaks.  I was soooo freaking hungry by the time I got home.... but I learned and today I packed super dense snacks to eat during my short breaks.  That helped me greatly.  I also gave my first presentation/demo today.  I felt bad because I am pretty sure it was super boring... but my feedback wasn't all bad... it was actually quite mild, so maybe it wasn't terrible.

There was also a small mix up in my schedule.  The 23rd of Dec. is the emperors birthday so its a holiday... but the 24th isn't so there was a chance that I would have to work... I sent them an email telling them that I booked a flight home (but that I could change it) and they replied that I could have the 24th off.  *whew* So, it looks like I will be home for Christmas after all. ^_^ I miss my dog! I look at his pictures all the time... sah.  I also need a good picture of Beka for my wall.

Otherwise things have been very uninteresting.  I am trying not to do anything interesting during my training because I really need to focus and spend all my time learning what I can from these sessions... I figure I can save the fun stuff for later.

I am going to try and do some light Christmas shopping though... if you have any requests from Japan, please let me know!

Side note: I've tried both the Urban Decay All Nighter Spray and the MakeUp Forever Setting Mist and the MakeUp Forever easily takes the cake for keeping my makeup on all day! It looks like I just put my makeup on! Snazzy!

Ok! Time to get ready for tomorrows presentations! I have to teach like 6 new songs tomorrow! EEK! <3

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's wrong to think it's safer in cities. Think about scary movies. The worst things always happen in the middle of nowhere!

    You teach songs? English songs or what? ABC's?

    Yay for sleeping normally!
