Sunday, January 1, 2012

World Traveler Part I: Mon Taxi Driver

Taking a taxi is not the cheapest form of travel but when you’re carrying a lot of things, it’s often the easiest. Also, I think most taxi drivers are kinda chatty and will talk to you about all sorts of things.  Yamada-san is a self-proclaimed ojisan (old man) and has been driving a taxi for about 25 years.  He is from the mount fuji area originally and moved to Nagoya when he was young.  He told me about how unhappy his parents were with him moving so far from his hometown and wanted to know all about how my family felt about me moving away.  He said that he moved in the mid 50’s so the transportation wasn’t as good as it is now and communication wasn’t as easy.  He was excited that I made such a big move. 

He asked me about my hobbies and what I like to do in my spare time and then wanted to know if I moved to japan for the anime, as many foreigners do. Lol.  I told him that I liked anime but my biggest reasons for moving to japan are to work on my Japanese and to get experience teaching, as I want to be a teacher in the states when I am done educating. 

He asked me where I was going and when I told him I was from Los Angeles, he said that he used to want to go to America when he was younger but now he’s afraid of going to the united states.  He asked me if I was scared with all the guns we have in the u.s. and he said that he watches the news and sees lots of stories of murder and robberies.  I told him that America was big and there are lots of safe places but that some are safer than others… I didn’t really know how else to answer that but I think it was an interesting insight from someone living in a different country. 

Then he wanted to know if I was married.  I said no.  He asked me what the upper age limit is of a guy I would date and I told him about 35, at which point he told me that his son is 40. -.- haha.  He said that his son didn’t have children and was not married and lamented that I didn’t date guys a bit older.  Haha.  He also asked me if I liked Japanese guys, but I don’t know how you answer that with anything other than a “yes” when speaking to a Japanese guy! So I responded accordingly.  Then he asked me for my phone number. Haha.  He said he knew plenty of young men that I should date. -.- He gave me his cell phone number and I gave him mine… He was old! And I was under a lot of pressure! And I cant tell old people no! -.-  Anyway, it was quite an amusing experience. 

I enjoyed meeting Yamada-san.  We talked about lots of other things but I think that was the amusing part… lol.  Yes, this conversation took place in Japanese… 

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