Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do all Americans own guns? Yes they do.

Classes have begun! And ZOMG I am getting my dose of children for a very long time.  You think I was hesitant to have children before (hesitant meaning loathe), well I have seen enough bodily fluids ejaculated from enough children to serve me well for another few years.  Sometimes children make me want to vomit. I mean, its not their fault really... but theyre SO GROSS!!!

That being said, I am actually enjoying my kid's classes.  I had 11 classes when the schedules were first created and now I have *15*. I hear this is high, since most of my friends have about 10.  I am also going to really far schools- as I pointed out in my last blog.  Nonetheless, I have gotten my Ipad up to speed and can play games and chat with a speedy interweb connection and I am happy on my lengthy commutes.

I've learned the more I prepare the easier the classes are.  Kind of a DUH thing to say really, but I want to procrastinate then I remember how much better they are when I don't and I get myself to buckle down and get things done.  Thus far I can honestly say that I have good kids.  Only one kid sticks out in my head as being annoying- kinda unruly- and one as completely shell shocked when it comes to speaking out loud.  Otherwise, if they see I am trying to keep them entertained, they usually go with the flow.  I've had no serious mishaps with behaviour yet.  Please knock on wood now.... Also, I must say, KEW training (kid's training) really kicked my arse but I am falling back on it tons now that the madness has begun.  Props to my trainers. ^_^

2 students of note: One is a Voyager level 1 student.  That is the highest level you can be at ECC.  He studied here at Waseda U. which is one of the best colleges in Japan, then went to England to get his Masters and PHD in Engineering.  His is an ENGLISH MASTER! Actually, he is just a boss at life.  And you guessed it, he's my age.  I feel SO STUNTED when I talk to these people! *jealous pout* Anyway, he's interviewing for a position at the top local university so I said I would edit his powerpoint presentation this week.  Welp, I just read it.  It's really good.  A few errors here and there but no more than I would find editing a native speaker's paper.  Ah genius.  I love it.

Second student is in her 40's.  She's a factory worker.  Didn't go to college.  She says she didn't really have ambition to do anything.  She's been studying English off and on for a while now and SHE'S REALLY GOOD! It's so rare that you find someone that's only been learning a language from a book, that can speak it so natively.  Anyway, she's been a level 3 since I've met her and I'd been trying to get her to level up to 2- also Voyager level- but she's been nervous.  This past Saturday though, she came in to take the test WITH ME! ^_^ She lives a good 40 minutes from the school I was teaching at on Saturday but she spoke to the other school, found out where I was, then set up a lesson specifically with me. ^_^ She said had one point left that she could use for a lesson or a level up test, and she wanted to take the test.  Also, she wanted to take it with me because she knew my English better than anyone else's.  She passed the test easily.  Now she's a Voyager! To think, she's a factory worker.  She has such an aptitude for language though... it's amazing.

So psychology says that after about 4 months in a place you start to get homesick.  The place no longer seems magical and you start to notice flaws.  Well I certainly do not feel homesick.  However, I've been keeping a list of things that I find odd about Japan.  I think because Japan in particular is really a developed and advanced country in so many ways, these anomalies catch me off guard in a way that is shocking and most times humorous.  like hysterically humorous. like, i dont want to laugh in your face japan... BUT WHAAA? THAT kind of funny.

Question: "Do all Americans own guns?" Answer: "Yes." Its almost a resounding "yes" for Japanese people.  They have seen so many of our movies and news shows that they honestly think we are living in some sort of wild wild west.  Japan just doesn't have shootings. When they see our gang shows or news shows or movies... they think we're all gun wielding folk.  When I tell them I am from California and in California... most people do not own guns (unless they own illegal guns)... they are confused.  Some have even SCOFFED AT ME! LIKE I'M LYING! It's pretty hilarious.  Then I explain that only people in backwards states... like Oklahoma or Kansas or Alabama or something own guns in abundance. ^_^

Next question: "Do you like McDonalds hamburgers?" Answer: "Yes" So I told a girl that I was a vegetarian... Then we continued with the lesson and she came to this and asked me, "do you like McDonalds hamburgers?" To which I replied, "No, I am a vegetarian and don't eat hamburgers.  And when I did, I didn't eat McDonalds." She was confused two fold.  First, she didn't make the connection that being vegetarian meant not eating hamburgers.  Then once she did, she didn't understand how I still did not enjoy McDonalds hamburgers.  BECAUSE ALL AMERICANS MUST LIKE MCDONALDS HAMBURGERS!! She's just one example though. I've had many just like this.

Other random stereotypes: 

- All Americans eat sandwiches- all the time and always for lunch.  Not a bad one really.  Honestly, I didn't realize just how much I like sandwiches before moving here. hahaha. 

- A Japanese student asked my friend if blond hair actually grew out of her head. Naturally. lol.

- If you are living with a roommate of the opposite sex, you either are having sex with them OR you WILL BE! OR if you have no intention of having sex with them, and you are female, you'll probably just get raped. True story.  I polled like 30 people. lol

Things I've noticed about Japan thus far: 

- They use a LOT OF MAYO. WHY?? ITS SOOO DISGUSTING! EEEEWWW!!! but they do. they use it a lot. and copious amounts of it.  ugh.  On random things, like french fries! or salads! 

- A LOT OF THE GIRLS ARE PIGEON TOED! wth? is that something you're born with? I didn't think so! is it learned?? why?? do they think its cute? I keep waiting for one of them to trip on their own feet.  When I finally see it happen, I will laugh.  Then possibly take a picture or two.  

- All the girls look like they've walked out of the SAME STORE! James said this is called "fashion" but I refuse to buy anything in a beige, light brown, or dark brown this year.  THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME! LIKE THERE'S ONLY ONE STORE IN ALL OF NAGOYA!!!

- Bad fashion. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to promote McHammer pants in 2012 but they're here.
This was then. 
This is now.  

Arguably, she is much prettier and thus the pants don't look like a -90 on the ugly scale... but whoever thought this was a good idea should be slapped.  It's like when girls thought it was cute to wear rompers.  If you're older than the age of 3, you should not be wearing a romper!

Ok. Rant over. lol.  Anyway, moving on... speaking of moving on! I am moving! Soon! lol.  I am still looking at Osu Kannon... because that's the area I enjoy the most... but I am looking at a bunch of places really.  I turned down the room in Freebell with the hopes of finding a place in Osu even... Freebell is in Nagoya and its referred to as the gaijin (gaijin = foreigner) ghetto because of all the foreigners who live there... It's not completely off my list but it's near Nagoya station... which is a bit further away from Osu than I live now... Still keeping my fingers crossed for that perfect place though!

Dating news.  Yohsuke was over other the other day and he tried cheez-its for the first time! He didn't want to try them because he said the box looked boring. -.- He also said if he saw them in the market, he'd walk right past them! Well! He was wrong! He loved them! lol.  Ah yes, it feels good to share the joy of cheez-it.  I feel like I have done a good deed.  

Speaking of which.  I went through 4 bags of Goldfish AND 2 boxes of cheez-it in 2 weeks! *gasp!*

I can't tell if I am supposed to refer to Yohsuke as my boyfriend.  Relationships scare me a bit... and I am a bit hesitant to jump into one... but its been a good long while since my last... but ugh... relationships. UGH. Between the two of us, I'm the one holding back... but people here get into relationships and then just get married or something! That's too intense for my feble mentality.  Donno.  

The other day I got to sample what it's like to date a working Japanese man, when his work meeting ended up running *6* hours OVER and ultimately canceling our plans.  He ran to my apartment to give me something he'd bought for me, then ran back to work. Literally.  I'd forgotten what it's like to date a workaholic.... you know, I've been dating slackers as of late. muwhahaha.  lol.  And really, Yohsuke isn't even a workaholic... but by American standards he probably would be.  

And done.  Ok, so that was super long. Still planning things to do for Golden Week... but I hate people... and crowds.... hrm.... Oyasumi! (good night!)

1 comment:

  1. My personal favorite is "All Americans are Christians." Which even when I go on and refute it, due to a rather academic-tinged interest in religion I know a lot about it, so I end up in conversations about it anyway.

    Also, if cheez-it boxes are "boring" what does Yosuke make of CalorieMate boxes? Those things are boring. They look like they walked out of a turn of the century ad. Way too many words on the boxes.

    And I've noticed the pigeon-toed thing, too. I've actually also noticed a not insignificant number of people with actual walking problems from being too pigeon-toed. Disability level of difficulty, but they're still walking. It makes me wonder if there's not some genetic predisposition. (Also, it strikes me that Yokohama is actually pretty disabled-friendly, so it may just be because of that more people with disabilities live around here which is why I'm noticing it. God knows when I go into Tokyo and try to find a frakking escalator or elevator there are none to be found. Which was really only a problem during setsuden, but I digress.)
