Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What do you think about eating whale meat? I think its ok to eat whale meat. There are still a lot of whales.

so ive been neglecting my blog for a while.  not really by choice though... the week before last was golden week and those of you who are also friends on facebook will note that i have been running all over the middle and southern part of japan lately.  i went to kyoto, osaka, ise, shiga (which is a prefecture, not just a town) and of course more nagoya exploration.

also, for the past 8 days or so, ive been battling a headache.  not your average run of the mill headache, but like a migraine followed by vomiting, dizziness, and sight/sound sensitivity. this headache morphed into a tension headache thats lingered now for 8 days. 

that brings me to the first point of news. going to the doctor in japan. not nearly as crazy stressful as one would think. actually, it was quite easy. the doctor i went to see spoke english. pretty much fluently. the nurses and the reception area only spoke japanese but all i had to do was fill out some forms and thats all fairly easy to do in japanese. really, if you live in japan and have any japanese, you learn to fill out forms. japan is all about the forms! the doctor checked my head... since i am not tingly, my brain is fine. since i have no infection in my sinus area, my headache isnt caused by allergies. he thinks its a migraine and tension headache combo.  i guess thats possible, though i dont feel like i have any reason to be tense. my work isnt stressful at all. i dont have any long periods of stress... i am not in any way unhappy... and trust me! i know unhappy! i had quite a long period of unhappy when my family members were dying away on me... but now, i am refreshed. ive reawakened. this headache is weird. 

that leads me to my second point. i also got a massage! prices are about the same here as they are in america.  it was a good massage too. the lady was super cool and i feel very relaxed from it all. though massages always weird me out a little bit because they make me feel like im getting tenderized... kind of like a piece of meat getting ready for bbq. the face that i opted for the aromatherapy massage makes it seem even more that way... as she lathered me in jasmine... lol. hrm... it was easier than i expected in japanese too. maybe my confidence is upping... or maybe its my ability, or both. lol. hrm. 

to that end, ive been taking private japanese lessons once a week with a certified instructor. basically what that means is we meet for one hour every week and discuss the things i am having problems/difficulty with in japanese. the other 7 days of the week i study a couple of text books on my own for roughly 1-2 hours a day.  yohsuke says hes going to stop speaking english to me at all now... -.- but... i protest. 

yohsuke has been working really hard the last couple of weeks and so i havent seen him much. i know my headache is really worrying him though and he checks in on me regularly, but i have not actually spent time with him since the beginning of golden week.  though he has promised that once his company is done moving locations he will visit me EVERY DAY! ^_^ its strange... like i said previously, dating a japanese guy is interesting because i am subject to the whims of his work schedule.  after dating guys like bobby (where work was maybe his 4th priority), it has made spoiled... but i dont begrudge yohsuke either. i am somewhat of a workaholic myself and when i am with a workaholic we tend to bring each other up and thats always good. ^^

believe it or not, i am always thinking about blogging. i dont just write randomly. i write thoughts down in my notebook and save them for when i have time to really write some decent thoughts.

my current note list contains the following:
√ tastebuds
√ headache
√ donut
√ new school
4 dress sizes
whale meat
japanese guy fashion
nagoya beauty
√ blog writing
why girls cant find boyfriends
school boy crush

i enjoy writing a blog. its an easy way for me to keep track of the interesting things ive done. i want to be able to look back on this adventure intimately. blog writing does that for me. if you read this, then i am happy. i am happy that anyone cares to share my thoughts and experiences with me. ^_^

also, my tastebuds are changing. lately i have been finding things sweeter than they used to be! when i got here, i thought most japanese sweets were bland and tasteless. then one day i realized the super sweet peach/apple cobbler with ice cream was TOO SWEET! i think a part of my heart died a little. but that also means that i am able to enjoy japanese sweets for once! i had red bean with my tea at tea ceremony AND IT WAS ACTUALLY SWEET! OMG! really really amusing. also, when i first got here, mr donuts was terrible. their donuts were soooo tasteless... and now im finding them to be uber sweet.  strange. i guess it comes with living here... 

my furthest school, tsu, just moved to a new location. it takes me just over one hour in each direction... its kinda far but totally worth it.  i sit on the train and play on my ipad, study japanese and relax. the staff at tsu are super awesome... barry is the best. he helps out so much. the people there are really kind, and the students are good. well, i have one class with two boys and they are the laziest group of kids ive ever encountered but overall its a good day. ^_^ ill be going there tomorrow - or later today.  

ok, its time to sleep. i will leave you with a few pictures from my trips... 

**p.s. i will explain the title in the next blog! ^_^

this is the shopping area in ise... its so rustic and old looking! i really need to go back!

as you can see... it was absolutely pouring that day. it was still fun but i got drenched!!! 

this is uji. where tale of genji takes place <3 so pretty!!! 
this is the four of us. my besties. the reason i am so happy in japan! <3 

random temple in osaka... ok, its really famous, not random at all but i cant remember the name! oops!

the osaka sky tower! osaka is such a pretty place! i love the fashion, the food, and the people! such a quirky bunch! just like meeee!

this is me just after i made my promised prayer for nancy! <3

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