Tuesday, April 3, 2012

where are my red ruby slippers?

in one of my lessons, i asked my students to ask me some intro questions but the stipulation was that they couldnt ask me anything generic like; when did you come to japan, do you like japanese food, etc. i got some really interesting questions.... like:

what was the happiest moment of your life?
who do you admire the most in this world?
if you could adapt to land, sea, or air, what would it be?
if you could spend a day with your favorite actor or actress, what would you do?
if you could meet anyone living or dead, who would it be?
and of course, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?

some pretty good questions from my mid level english students. i had to really think about some of those questions... but the super power question is something that i always know the answer to. id want time travel. no question. i always want to do so many things... and can never find the time to do them all... imagine... i could nap during my ten minutes between classes! i could make it to my sisters graduation without having to take any vacation time! oh the things i would do! lol.

last week was pretty awesome. i finished the end of my stint at kariya and i got to talk with the guy who is taking over my shift there. gave him a bit of a heads up on the students so he would have an idea about what ive been teaching the kids and how he can effectively take over. i was sad to say goodbye but i was so very excited when the kids were able to introduce themselves and follow my commands easily. ^_^

i went to the midland party last saturday night! it was fun! =) i got to say goodbye to a bunch of friends there and hang with some people that i am fairly certain will continue to be close... yohsuke was my date for the night. it was kinda funny since we were at an izakaya (tavern) and neither of us drank at all. he drove and like a good boy he did not even take a sip of alcohol. he was really responsible. i was impressed. it is especially difficult with all the pressure there is to drink! ...not to mention we *were* at an izakaya... lol. i did a toast but since i am also not a fan of alcohol, i drank mostly oj. there was tons of food and some party games. quite a lively event. =)

after the party yohsuke and i hung out for a while more... he drives - which isnt so rare in aichi since many car manufactures are in the area. i must admit though, driving in japan scares me. they also drive on the wrong side of the road. yes, them. not us.

i am pretty sure we are dating now... though i am not so good with things unless they are explicitly stated clearly, plainly, and without confusion... and i am pretty (very) dense when it comes to guys, but i have gathered this is the case. yes i know, i like labels. it keeps things straight in my head and me free from potential mishaps. we took a nice photo on saturday night but its on my phone and i am too lazy to upload it at the moment. ^_^ donno where this will go but i am keeping an open mind... its been like 6 years since ive dated anyone really - officially anyway - so its different. but change builds character right? i think hes a nice guy. aside from communication errors, we seem to get along well.

communication error example: in japan they use a thing called mixi. its like facebook but people are not required to use their real names and people are always using mixi to hook up with other people.... so if you have a lot of mixi friends and youre single, chances are youre a play girl/guy... yohsuke just started using facebook and doesnt have too many friends... anyway when he saw my profile, he thought i was a playgirl. -.-" yep, he thought i was hooking up with all the random people on my facebook. could you imagine me a playgirl? i would be such a TERRIBLE playgirl... i can barely keep information straight on one person! on myself even! it was funny. we laughed.

in other news, i might have found a roommate. its odd because here in japan people dont really have roommates since most people live at home with family. its even stranger when a guy and girl room together... so more than one person has commented on the idea of me having a male roommate here in japan. ive always had male roommates though... guys are so easy to live with! lol. now that jennifer has made her way back to kyoto though, i need to figure out what i am going to do... and soon!

also my schedule is mostly finalized for next year. it is as follows: mon- kuwana, tue- ozone, wed- handa, thurs- tsu, fri- off, sat- handa, sun- off. i am including a map so you can see what this means actually. kuwana and handa are about 40 min away in different directions. tsu is 80 min away. T_T and ozone is about 20 min away.

i am looking into plans for my ipad... hopefully i can find a cheap enough one for my journeys. on the nights i work in tsu, i wont be home until like 1130 which is crappy but at least i dont work the next day. i also really like handa school. yohsuke lives in mie prefecture also (where kuwana and tsu are) so maybe i can hang with him while i am there... ozone is cool too. its a smaller school but the staff is very nice. =) all in all, it should be an amusing adventure!

its now officially wednesday. i have training later today and tomorrow. then one more week of shuffling around and the new year begins! i am really excited! ^_^

ok, i didnt study japanese tonight but i should sleep now so i am not too tired tomorrow... because i will need to study japanese tomorrow... -.-

happy hump day!

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