Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Japanniversay part deux.

Through September------

Wow. So last blog was in April eh? I've been so busy with updating my life, that I haven't been able to update my blog. Many things have happened/changed since my last entry.

We are now about half way through the year at my not-so-new-job. It's been a whirlwind of many different types of things. firstly, I love my class. the group of kids that I have are amazing. Watching them learn, grow, and develop, has been the highlight of my time in Japan. Recently, we've started giving the kids spelling tests, and it was really difficult. The first couple of weeks were a bit rocky, but at the Sport's Festival everyone did so well! I almost cried. Almost. ^^

My job is difficult but rewarding. I love seeing all the kids, not just my class, on a daily basis. They've all made changes, some big and some small, but it's quite the miracle. Being head teacher isn't easy. I have a lot of responsibility, and like most people in management positions, other people have no clue what managers do. My goal is to always try my best, and be as fair as possible to everyone. In order to do that, I try to keep a very clear line between work and social life, and that's not always easy. I want to be friends, but I don't want to compromise my judgment either. So as always, balance.

Fall is here finally! I survived summer. Actually, summer isn't as bad as people always complain about. I slept with my heavy down comforter all summer long. I think a couple of nights I only used the sheet, but usually I slept with my comforter. The hard thing is really the humidity. It's pretty terrible. I am such a wuss when it comes to weather. I think about the weather a lot. I obsessively check the different weather reports, and try to stay away from nature as much as possible. >_< I basically stayed inside, in my A/C'd apartment most of summer. ^^ This seemed to serve me quite well. I don't like discomfort. >_<

I did do a few things though. I went to Taiwan for Golden Week in May. It was one of the greatest things every to see Nancy again after so long. I missed her so much! It'd been almost 10 years since I'd seen her. It was great to just sit and catch up, and just like any good friend, it was like we had never parted. We picked up exactly where we'd left off years ago.

Another highlight was seeing Jennifer. She's been such a great friend to me.... every since Berkeley. She's pushed me forward even when I didn't think it was possible to move forward. I am eternally grateful for her kindness. She is now living it up in Australia. I am not sure if I will be able to make it there before she leaves, but it was great seeing her in Taiwan before she left.

Besties old and new. Jennifer left, Nancy middle and me!

I also got to see Murial and Emmanuelle! I've seen Emm in 3 different countries now! Jennifer too! ^^ I hope our travels and career paths send us in the same direction again someday soon. ^^ Murial also seems to be doing well. She speaks so much Chinese now that she's forgetting her Japanese. lol.

All in all, Taiwan was a great trip. I didn't actually do anything either. We didn't see any museums, we didn't go to any parks, or see anything special.... all we did was eat and shop. It was super relaxing, recharging, and heart-warming. I felt like I was at home with Jennifer and Nancy with me. Taiwan feels almost as close to me as Japan- and the food is cheaper there too! ^^

Jumping ahead, we had a BBQ in August. It was a lot of fun! We got to hang out at a fun beach with a lot of friends. It was soooooo hot though, I thought I was gonna die. The water was nice and the food was good, so I think everyone had a great time. ^^

The bbq gang.

----------> through December

Well, so many things have happened since the last draft I started even. lol. One thing I should note, is that since Mandy returned home in April, my Saturday nights were a little lonely, but perked up once my new friendships with Go and Oscar (not so new) melded with my relationship with Maki. The four of us basically hang out every single weekend. I still miss Mandy lots. I don't think my impression of Japan would even be the same without her company in the first year I was here. It was a pretty big blow when she left. I am so grateful for Maki, Go, and Oscar for keeping me company since then. <3
My goodbye ECC dinner with Mandy.

One of the things I did for my birthday this year was go to Korea! It was the first time I had been to Korea, but one of the places I'd always wanted to go to. I HAD SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!! It was also the first time I had ever been on an actual vacation with a friend. This is serious business. Friends can be great friends, but you never know if you're good travel buddies. See, I am the type who likes to do a lot of local things. I like to get a feel for the atmosphere and the culture. I usually want to pick one or two touristy things, but mostly stay off the radar. I pick a few days that I will force myself to go for an ungodly amount of time and relax the rest of the time. I feel no need to hurry when I am on vacation because a vacation is supposed to be fun- in my opinion- and I want to enjoy it. This is something I have learned with time. As it turns out, Maki is the same way. She'd been to Korea several times in the past, so she didn't really care to do any of the touristy things either. We did a lot of hanging out with her Korean friends, and shopped at local markets, and hit up the hottest bar/club in Seoul. I think I would have no problem living in Seoul. I think I could live in almost any major city, in any first world country. lol. I couldn't live in Bangkok, for example, but I could easily see myself living in Paris, Seoul, Taipei, or L.A./S.F. Anyway, Korea- loved it. I can't wait to go back actually. ^^
I have food in my mouth in this pic. -.-

I got to see Judy yay!!!!

Also for my birthday, Maki, Go, Oscar, and I went to Toba (where Maki's family has a timeshare condo), for the weekend. I think it was one of the best times I've ever had anywhere. It was one of those perfect moment times. The kind of time when you look around and you are hyper aware of the fact that this is one of those "special moments" in your life. Maki and I brought laver (Korean seaweed snacks), soju (Korean alcohol), and face masks from Korea for the boys. We made them wear them with us during our pajama party. The result was quite wonderful. I really wish I could upload the video!
Oscar and I looking scary.
Oscar creepin on Maki!

Then in October we celebrated Halloween at school. I get to do all sorts of crafts with my kids. All the things I remember making as a child, I can make with my kids now. All the memories I am creating for them come from the dreams I had of being a teacher one day. It really is exactly what I've wanted to do. My job is not east by any means. I am often tired. I've started drinking coffee. The amount of work these kids do at their age is amazing and terrifying. We are having a Christmas concert in two weeks!

I am constantly reminding myself that they are only 5 years old. We push them so hard, and try to let them enjoy their childhood at the same time. It's a really delicate balance. Because they are so mature though, we do get to do a lot of things with them that I could probably not do with a child of the same age in the states. It also makes me wonder, if I ever have kids, how hard will I push them? I am seeing the limits of what children are capable of now. The amount my kids have progressed and changed over the last 8 months is amazing. I want to push them harder because I know they can do more. I want them to be confident and resilient to Japanese society when they get older. Japanese school is tough. Teachers are so strict. Little kids are sooooo stressed out here. Suicide is very high. With all that in mind, I push my kids so they know how to work hard and succeed in Japanese society, but I praise them and give them tons of hugs and love so they are confident in themselves. I think a lot about my job. I think a lot about my kids. One time I had a guy ask me, "how many kids *DO* you have???" I realized he actually thought my students were my kids.

On the subject of dating, dating is really different here in Japan. It's never black and white. It's never clear cut. Just like everyone else in this world, my mind is multifaceted. In some ways I can be very girly but in most ways, I am practical. When my ex told me he loved me, I told him I would respond after I thought about how I felt for a while. Not that I didn't love him, but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't infatuation. When I say, "I love you", it should be with real meaning. Recently, I was thinking about moving, staying, trying to decide my future plans. A guy I have been going out with (more on that later) said to me, "I didn't give you my opinion because I didn't want to decide your future." Basically he wanted to let me decide my future without giving me any pressure. That is very sweet. The sentiment behind it is very sweet. My response was, "I never decide my future based on a guy. You can be a factor in my decision but you alone cannot carry any decision." Ugh, this is why people call me "ice queen". lol. I'd like to think I am very level headed- most of the time. *shrug*

So anyway, there is a guy that I have been kind of going out with recently. He's the friend of a friend. He lives in Osaka, which is a few hours train ride away from here (unless you take the shinkansen which is a bit pricey but 45 min train ride). He's 34, going on 35. Nice guy. Obviously I can't write too much, but we'll see. Currently, I have no idea what's going on. lol.

Well Christmas is coming up soon. This past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving with about 25 people here in Nagoya. It was a grand feast. Turkey, stuffing, and every fixin' you can think of attended the feast. Now that Thanksgiving is over, I have 2 weeks until I go home for CHRISTMAS! YAY!!! I can hardly wait until I go home. This time it's been a year since I've been home and it actually feels like it's been a year. I have missed my dog, my sister, my mom, my beka.... ITS BEEN SOOOO LONG SINCE IVE HAD GOOD MEXICAN FOOD! I miss my grandparents a lot. I miss my dad too. I know he isn't alive anymore, but I feel closer to him when I am near my aunts...but I also feel my dad around when I do certain things.....like when I make Spanish rice. I can hear him telling me over and over not to burn the garlic. Or in the way my kids will say, "that's right" in the tone I say it, which is something I picked up from my dad. There are so many things I wish I could tell him. I also haven't had a chance to say goodbye to my cousin properly yet either. I haven't been able to hug my aunt. I feel like there are things I need to do at home.

Anyway, I am excited. My future is ever wide. December 1st marks my 2 year anniversary in Japan. I can't even believe it. lol. I always feel myself moving forward which is good but also a bit scary. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens next! Until the next post....!