Sunday, February 26, 2012

チビ (chibi): 1. small child; pipsqueak; small fry; small, cute. 2. small animal; runt;

I wonder if I feel homesick. Last night I had a hard time sleeping because I missed my dog. :/ Whenever I walk by animal stores or see people walking their pets, I feel a sense of longing for my own animals. It's strange because I certainly don't feel the same way about people. The people I know are rational, logical beings (for the most part) and have the ability to understand why I am away and how to communicate with me while I am gone. The same cannot be true of my pets though. While Princess seems fairly happy in her new surroundings (as I am sure Chibi is too), I feel really terrible that they are not here with me.

Last night while looking for a certain picture of my dad and I, I was looking through all the really beautiful pictures I have of my niece. She really is one gorgeous child. She's also incredibly smart. Whenever I speak to her on the computer, she reminds me that when she is 6, I have promised her a trip to Japan. She wants to see where Hello Kitty lives. Of course she has no real concept of how far away I am but the child does not forget anything, ever, so I am honestly planning away at a trip for her next year. Probably some time next year during Golden Week. I figure I can head home and on my return flight bring her here. Still a 12 hour flight is a long time for a little girl, but a promise is a promise, and as long as I keep reminding her how far away I actually am, it should be ok. She still reminds me that when shes a big girl, we are supposed to go to France. I made that promise when she was 2. -.-

Yesterday I went to the Tokugawa Art Museum with Mandy and Yoshiko. OMG! It was so much fun! I love history and yesterday they were having the Hina Matsuri display. Everything was so grand! Yoshiko wanted to practice her English, so she took us around the garden and museum and explained everything as we went along. We must've been there for about 6 hours. It's quite a big museum and with the garden, it takes a long while to soak it all in. There was also a Tale of Genji display *swoons*. Be still my heart! I will be posting pictures of my trip in a while. =)

Tomorrow I am going strawberry picking! I have a feeling its going to be freezing. -.- It's been slightly warmer, but only slightly. It's really cloudy outside and it always looks like rain. It warms up for like... 2 hours then goes back to really cold. I blame the fact that I was raised in Los Angeles for my lack of tolerance for the cold weather but I am learning to tough it out. lol. I wonder if I will ever be called hearty. Probably not. LA 4 life. :D Getting back to strawberry picking though, I have been looking forward to this since early January! I am so excited! Also, I took the nail polish off my fingers because I figured my hands would get messed up during the picking... so I am also excited to polish my nails again! eee! Yes, I am actually that LA.

Finally, I am super excited to see Jennifer. I feel terrible that things have been rough for her in Japan but hopefully once she arrives things will turn around. I am looking forward to a potential roommate and taking lots of pikura. :D Also, I think she will really enjoy this area. It's not super fun fantastically exciting (like Tokyo is for me) but its a very easy place to live and enjoy. Also, we will both be close to Ariel and Nicky, which always makes me soooo happy! Also, Miaka said she might be applying to work here! That means the 4 of us could likely have a reunion here in Japan after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes life just gets better and better. :D I am keeping my fingers crossed for this new life.

Conclusion: I miss my animals. I need more pictures of chibi and princess... but I am still really happy with things here.

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