Monday, November 21, 2011

to be updated fairly soon...! (6 days til japan!)

so here we are just a week out from my trip (move actually) and ive finally decided on a name for my blog.  taken from my love of middle english... 

maken: to make
travialle: to work and in middle english (old french)- to travel.  

since ill be doing both, i put them together and viola! (yes, i amuse myself greatly.)

anyway, im sure you'll be hearing more from me as the travel actually begins.  

if nothing else, i hope i provide you with some sort of entertainment through my random (mis)adventures.  ^_^

1 comment:

  1. So excited to have you!!!! Maybe we can hang out together after Christmas~ Nicky's going back to Canada for two weeks, so I need something to do!!! XD
